was made to update users with latest exclusive technology related news from around the web. While there are a lot of websites that publish technology news, we try to cover that is exclusive or at least not covered on thousands other news outlets. Perhaps, that’s the reason we have some many returning users from around the world.

Most of the exclusive technology news that we publish on caters to USA but from time to time, we also publish about tech news of other countries.

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You can use the aforementioned email address so for suggestions and advertisement queries. Feel free to let us know what you think about the content on There is always scope for improvement and we assure our readers you use your suggestions, criticism and comments to improve our website in future.

To make content more useful and informative to our users, we have latest started adding collections to the site that show best of technology. This acts as a buyers guide for particular topic and allows our experienced staff to help others in their buying decisions.

At, we try making technology world a better place.