iEnergizer, COO – Sh. Adarsh Kumar

Mr. Adarsh Kumar has been the most versatile Chartered Accountant par excellence who has held the distinguished designation of Associate Member at Institute of Chartered Accountants in India. Prior to this, he was with Xpro India, (A division of Cimmco Birla Limited) where he headed the Finance Department and strengthened the core areas of costing, banking, MIS and also re-scheduled the financial structuring process for the organization, the explicit system which is being adhered to, till today.

He was designated as General Manager of Commodity Trade Department at Phoenix International Limited where he brought about supreme innovation in the intrinsic methodologies of procurement, logistics, financial planning and reporting and also replenished the delivery of various commodity products with world class quality levels. As such, as a result of his insightful managerial approach and consummated acumen, the sales registered a new flight in records and revenue figures had the numbers of higher denomination and Phoenix International Limited emerged as the leading brand in the trading of all commodities that they now managed proficiently after Mr Kumar’s take over.

Mr. Kumar has been with iEnergizer and with him; exceptional level of managerial expertise has etched into the every little aspect of organizational function. He has, in fact, re-structured the working ethics of modern day business under his role of COO and handles the areas of budgeting, delivery excellence, quality checks, functional efficiency, controlling costs and so forth. Besides, he has also been instrumental in consolidating on-shore business assignments for Indian companies from western countries and promise lucrative business ventures for a range of industries by ensuring great perks and appealing operational costs under the supreme managerial guidance which he is the master of.   

Interacting with the media persons he also shared his humble family back ground and equally humble growth through to the position on COO.

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