Seagate Nytro offers 2TB SSD storage

Seagate Technology has unveiled its new range of solid state devices Nytro , which in this case are presented as the first in the industry to reach 2TB with M.2 format and interface NVMe PCI-Express.

We all know what we are capable NVMe M.2 SSD PCI-Express, delivering breakneck speeds in both reading and writing, although they suffer from thermal throttling in most cases. With these SSDs Seagate Nytro also achieves a capacity of 2 TB, the highest in the market that until now had only versions of 1TB in this same format.

The pity is that the Nytro Seagate enterprise products are oriented to data center servers and cloud storage they need a very large capacity and speed, while reliability. For this reason, Seagate Nytro XM1440 are optimized for workloads where speed is essential reading and writing goes into the background; although Seagate has not published the theoretical speeds of these devices, yes you said reaching 140,000 random read IOPS, a figure quite high considering its capacity.

As oriented enterprises and data centers devices, they Nytro 2 TB have a protection system data from end to end to avoid losses if there are power outages (among other things) and error correction technology RAISE (protection RAID) systems and parity-check.

Seagate moment has not disclosed the price that will have these units (will be expensive, sure), but that will reach dealers from November this year. It is not known whether they will be accessible to the consumer or unfortunately only be available to companies.

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