Samsung Note8 vs S8 plus Indonesia – WHICH IS GOOD?

Used gadget evaluations on the market right here Bukalapak: Want to buy on-line and assist with this channel? click on right here: Lazada: Hello mates, as we speak we’ll evaluate 2 flagship cellphones from Samsung. If you wish to know which Note8 or S8 plus is healthier, watch this video till it ends. This sub channel: For enterprise inquiry, discover me at: [email protected]

23 thoughts on “Samsung Note8 vs S8 plus Indonesia – WHICH IS GOOD?

  1. suskrep ke aku! Sayang banget kwakakwa, cuma salut, unit gk bagus kyle di niatin , better captain boar haha

  2. jangan nonton aku. Klik sekali gak puas nih.. Masih mau bernostalgia nih… Hehe..

  3. Saya pengguna kedua-duanya menurut saya emng bagusan note8, tapi kalo nyaman s8+ lebih nyaman

  4. Tq bang.. Saya nonton vidio ini pake samsung s8+
    Knp saya masih d samsung?
    Saya memang suka kualitas super amoled nya

  5. Sekarang s8 plus antutunya nembus 197.000++ manteb gile sihhh. btw saia beli di putra siregar phoneshop haha

  6. Bang mau nanya kok layar di hp gue di s8plus kok warna nya ada pink2nya gtu.pda hal gk knp2


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